Holy Holistics #0001: Breathing Faith

We do no know how to live faith.

Church is for Sunday. Prayer an afterthought. Confessional booths are empty. There is little living to be had and for those seeking, we are left without guides or any idea how to proceed but we know we must proceed for what we do with our time is not neutral.

Either we are progressing to God or away from God.

So we must start again. We must learn how to weave our faith into our daily lives until it is as natural as breathing, to learn the rhythm of faith.

Catholicism is the endless well. There is a saint for everyone, there is a spiritual discipline for you. You can drink from the well of our faith your entire life and never reach the bottom.

Education and formation – we must learn about the great spiritual practices of our faith and then we must be taught how to practice, to center our lives around Christ. Once our world is centered rightly, it will change the way we live our lives. Faith demands change.

This experiment is not about teaching
the doctrines of the Faith or converting you to Catholicism. I will happily point you to books or bloggers who are evangelizing. This is for those like me, who have faith but do not know how to make it part of their daily lives. This is for those who know there is more to the Faith than weekly mass attendance. For those who were only schooled in a handful of prayers and the Rosary but are left unexposed and unaware of the great spiritual practices of our ancestors.

Let us learn to breathe Catholicism.

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